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Первый сайт на русском языке, всесторонне освещающий всемирно известный музыкальный конкурс "Евровидение" 2002-2003. The First site in Russian/English to give a comprehensive coverage of the Eurovision song contest 2002-2003. |
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Сайт открылся 08-11-2001
Скачайте базы данных Евровидения - программу Eplayer А.Стюарта и программу EuroSinging от Брэйнскан |
Right now you can
find at this site :
Site opened 08-11-2001. Last updated 31-12-02 We invite you to join mailing lists Eurovision General and Euro-Friends and to use forums at Eurosong.net and DotEurovision. That lists and forums are not mine.
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Наш сайт является единственным активным участником из СНГ в Webring'ах, объединяющих все лучшие сайты о конкурсе Евровидение. Our site is the only CIS (ex-USSR) active participant in Webrings.
Нажмите на фото, для того чтобы войти в кольцо сайтов Топ 100 Сайтов о Евровидении. Пожалуйста, проголосуйте за наш сайт! Click on photo to enter webring Top100 Eurovision S.C. Sites. Please vote for our site! |
Organisation Generale des Amateurs de l'Eurovision
Автор сайта Andy Mikheev aka MAINHILL
Site developed by Andy Mikheev aka MAINHILL
- о нашем самом лучшем фестивале. |
About the best contest of the world. :-) (Among participants- Claudette Pace, Fabrizio Faniello etc). Now in English!!! |
Friends! There still is possibility that site will remove to
a new URL. I hope it never happens, but please bookmark this one http://www.mainhill.nm.ru/eurovision/ .
In case that site will be closed here it will appear there. Sorry, but it's immpossible to
tell in advance when it will happen.
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Everything presented on this site is MY OWN
OPINION. I accept no liability for any loss caused directly or indirectly by any article or any page on this site. MP3 and other sound files are available for demonstration purpose only and are subject to the copyright of the owners of the recordings contained in them. The files should NOT be downloaded or stored on your harddrive. Reproduction of articles and other material from this site is permitted provided a linked source reference would be given. All pictures and lyrics from the artists are under copyright of the original owner. If you think a file copyright belongs to you and you don't want me to use it, please contact me and the file will be removed 24 hours after confirmation. I'm not responsible for the opinions in my guestbook and give myself right to remove any messages without any warning. Eurovision, "Eurovision Song Contest" & EBU-Logo are registered trademarks of the European Broadcasting Union. |